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Publications from Mun-H-Center


Bengtsson, L., Dotevall, H., Sjögreen, L., Ragnemalm, L., & Tuomi, L. (2022). Effects of oral screen exercise on orofacial and pharyngeal activity: An exploratory study using videofluoroscopy and surface electromyography in healthy adults. Clinical and Experimental Dental Research, 1–10. Read article

Mogren, Å., Sand, A., Havner, C., Sjögreen, L., Westerlund, A., Agholme, M. B., & Mcallister, A. (2022). Children and adolescents with speech sound disorders are more likely to have orofacial dysfunction and malocclusion. Clinical and Experimental Dental Research, 1–12. Read article

Mogren, Å., Havner, C., Westerlund, A., Sjögreen, L., Agholme, M. B., & McAllister, A. (2022). Malocclusion in children with speech sound disorders and motor speech involvement: a cross-sectional clinical study in Swedish children. European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry. doi:10.1007/s40368-022-00728-4 Read article

Sjögreen, L., Bengtsson, L. (2022). Congenital or Early Developing Neuromuscular Diseases Affecting Feeding, Swallowing and Speech - A Review of the Literature from January 1998 to August 2021. Read article


Mogren, Åsa, Anita Mcallister, and Lotta Sjögreen (2021). "Range of Motion (ROM) in the Lips and Jaw during Vowels Assessed with 3D Motion Analysis in Swedish Children with Typical Speech Development and Children with Speech Sound Disorders." DOI: 10.1080/14015439.2021.1890207. Read articel


Mogren Å, Sjögreen L, Barr Agholme M, McAllister A (2020). Orofacial function in children with Speech Sound Disorders (SSD) persisting after the age of six years. DOI: 10.1080/17549507.2019.1701081. Read abstract

Backman E, Sjögreen L. (2020). Gastrostomy tube insertion in children with developmental or acquired disorders: a register-based study DOI: 10.1111/dmcn.14634. Read articel


Ödman A, Bresin A, Kiliaridis S (2019). The effect of retraining hypofunctional jaw muscles on the transverse skull imensions of adult rats. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica. DOI: 10.1080/00016357.2018.1531437. Read articel

McAllister A, Brodén M, Gonzalez Lindh M, Krüssenberg C, Ristic I, Rubensson A, Sjögreen L. Oral Sensory-Motor Intervention for Children and Adolescents (3-18 Years) with Developmental or Early Acquired Speech Disorders – A Review of the Literature 2000-2017. Ann Otolaryngol Rhinol 5(5): 1221. Read articel

Ödman A. Masticatory retraining effect on masseter muscle, facial morphology and alveolar bone structure in the adult rat. Doktorsavhandling Institutionen för odontologi, 2018. Read publication

Sjögreen L, Gonzalez Lindh M, Brodén M, Krüssenberg C, Ristic I, Rubensson A, McAllister A. Oral Sensory-Motor Intervention for Children and Adolescents (3-18 Years) With Dysphagia or Impaired Saliva Control Secondary to Congenital or Early-Acquired Disabilities: A Review of the Literature, 2000 to 2016. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2018 Oct 8:3489418803963. doi: 10.1177/0003489418803963. [Epub ahead of print]. Read abstract

Backman E, Karlsson AK, Sjögreen L. Gastrostomy Tube Feeding in Children With Developmental or Acquired Disorders: A Longitudinal Comparison on Healthcare Provision and Eating Outcomes 4 Years After Gastrostomy. Nutr Clin Pract. 2018 Mar 30. doi: 10.1002/ncp.10056. [Epub ahead of print]. Read abstract

Fontinha C, Engvall M, Sjögreen L, Kiliaridis S. Craniofacial morphology and growth in young patients with congenital or childhood onset myotonic dystrophy. Eur J Orthod. 2018 Feb 6. doi: 10.1093/ejo/cjx104. [Epub ahead of print]. Read abstract

Sjögreen L, Mårtensson Å, Ekström AB. Speech characteristics in the congenital and childhood-onset forms of myotonic dystrophy type 1.Int J Lang Commun Disord. 2018 Jan 12. doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12370. [Epub ahead of print]. Read abstract

McAllister A, Gonzalez Lindh, M, Krüssenberg C, Ristic, I, Rubensson A, Sjögreen L. Tal och oral sensomotorisk intervention - Behandling vid talavvikelser, sväljsvårigheter, salivläckage och orala ovanor. På uppdrag av Föreningen Sveriges habiliteringschefer 2017.  Read project report

Movérare T, Lohmander A, Hultcrantz M, Sjögreen L. Peripheral facial palsy: Speech, communication and oral motor function. Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis. 2016 Nov 8. pii: S1879-7296(16)30184-3. doi: 10.1016/j.anorl.2015.12.002. Read abstract

Sjögreen L. Orofacial funktionsnedsættelse hos børn – udredning og behandling. TANDLÆGEBLADET 2016;120(9):781-785. Read abstract

Mårtensson Å, Ekström A-B, Engvall M, Sjögreen L. Oral hygiene aspects in a study of children and young adults with the congenital and childhood forms of myotonic dystrophy type 1. Clin Exp Dent Res 2016. doi: 10.1002/cre2.36. Read article

Sjögreen L, Mogren Å, Andersson-Norinder J, Bratel J. Speech, eating and saliva control in rare diseases – a database study. J Oral Rehabil. 2015. [Epub ahead of print]. Read abstract

Sjögreen L, Andersson-Norinder J, Bratel J. Oral health and oromotor function in rare diseases – a database study. Swed Dent Journal. 2015;39:23-37.

Sjögreen L, Eklund K, Nilsson A, Persson C. Speech production, intelligibility and oromotor function in seven individuals with Möbius sequence. Int J Speech Lang Pathol. 2015;2:1-8. Read abstract


Bergendal B, Bakke M, McAllister A, Sjögreen L, Åsten P. Profiles of orofacial dysfunction in different diagnostic groups using the Nordic Orofacial Test (NOT-S)—A review. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2014;72(8):578-84. Read abstract


Krekmanova L, Hakeberg M, Robertson A, Klingberg G. Everyday and dental pain in Swedish children and adolescents - an Exploratory Factor Analysis. Publicerad i Swed Dent Journal 2013;37:31-38. Read abstract

Ekfeldt A, Zellmer M, Carlsson GE. Treatment with Implant-supported fixed dental Prostheses in paoitnets with congenital and acquired neurologic disabilities: a prospective study. Int J Prosthodont. 2013;26:517-524. Read abstract


Sjögreen L, Kiliaridis S. Facial palsy in individuals with thalidomide embryopathy: frequency and characteristics. J Laryngol & Otol 2012;12:902-906. Read abstract

Åsten P, Skogedal N, Nordgarden H Axelsson S, Sjögreen L. Orofacial functions and oral health associated with Treacher Collins syndrome. Acta Odont Scand 2013 May-Jul;71(3-4):616-25. Read abstract

Jälevik B, Klingberg G. Treatment outcomes and dental anxiety in 18-year-olds with MIH, comparisons with healthy controls - a longitudinal study. Int J Paediatr Dent 2012 Mar;22(2):85-91. Read abstract


Brogårdh-Roth S, Matsson L, Klingberg G. Molar-Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) and oral hygiene in 10-to-12-year-old Swedish children born preterm. Eur J Oral Sci 2011;119:33-39. Read abstract

Johansson-Cahlin B, Dahlström L. No effect of glucoseamine sulphate on osteoarthritis in the temporomandibular joints - a randomized, controlled short - term study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2011;112:760-766. Read abstract

Sjögreen L, Lohmander A, Kiliaridis S. Exploration of quantitative methods for evaluation of lip function. J Oral Rehabil 2011;38: 410-422. Read abstract


Brogårdh-Roth S, Stjernqvist K, Matsson L, Klingberg G. Dental fear and anxiety and oral health behaviours in 12-to 14-years-old children born preterm. Int J Paediatr Dent 2010;20:391-399. Read abstract

Hallberg U, Klingberg G, Setsaa W, Möller A. Hiding parts of one’s self from others - a grounded theory study on teenagers diagnosed with ADHD. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 2010, iFirst article, 1_10.

Hallberg U, Óskarsdóttir S, Klingberg G. 22q11 deletion syndrome – the meaning of a diagnosis. A qualitative study on parental perspectives. Child Care Health Dev 2010;36:719-725. Read abstract

Klingberg G, Andersson-Wenckert I, Grindefjord M, Lundin S-Å, Ridell K, Tsinlingaridis G, Ullbro C. Specialist paediatric dentistry in Sweden 2008– a 25 year perspective. Int J Paediatr Dent 2010;20:313-321. Read abstract

Klingberg G, Hallberg U, Óskarsdóttir S. Oral health and 22q11DS, thoughts and experiences from the parents’ perspectives. Int J Paediatr Dent 2010;20:283-292. Read abstract

Sabel N, Klingberg G, Nietzsche S, Norén JG. Polarized light and scanning electron microscopic investigation of enamel hypoplasia. Int J Paediatr Dent 2010;20:31-36. Read abstract

Sjögreen L, Tulinius M, Kiliaridis S, Lohmander A. The effect of lip strengthening exercises in children and adolescents with myotonic dystrophy type 1. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2010;74:1126-1134. Read abstract

Sjögreen L, Orofacial dysfunctions in children and adolescents with myotonic dystrophy type 1 – evaluation and intervention, Doctoral theses 2010. Read abstract  

Brahm C-O, Klingberg G, Ekfeldt A. Prosthodontic treatment of patients with disabilities at dental specialist clinics in the County of Västra Götaland. Swed Dent J 2009;33:11-18. Read abstract

Brogårdh-Roth S, Stjernqvist K, Matsson L, Klingberg G. Parental perspectives on preterm children’s oral health behaviour and experience of dental care during pre-school and early school years. Int J Paediatr Dent 2009;19:243-250. Read abstract

Ekfeldt A, Carlsson GE. Dental status and oral function in an adult group of subjects with thalidomide embryopathy - a clinical and questionnaire study. Acta Odontol Scand 2008;66:300-306. Read abstract

Klingberg G, Hagberg C, Norén JG, Nietzsche S. Aspects on dental hard tissues in primary teeth from patients with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Int J Paediatr Dent 2009;19:282-290 Read abstract

Sabel N, Dietz W, Lundgren T, Nietzsche S, Odelius H, Rythén M, Rizell S, Robertson A, Norén JG, Klingberg G. Elemental composition of normal primary tooth enamel analyzed with XRMA and SIMS. Swed Dent J 2009;33:75-83. Read abstract

Sabel N, Klingberg G, Nietzsche S, Robertson A, Odelius H, Norén JG. Analysis of some elements in primary enamel during postnatal mineralization. Swed Dent J 2009;33:85-95. Read abstract

Engwall M, Sjögreen L, Kjellberg H, Robertsson A, Sundell S, Kiliaridis S. Oral health status in a group of children and adolescents with myotonic dystrophy type 1 over a 4-year period. Int J Paediatr Dent 2009 Nov; 19(6): 412-422. Read abstract

Krekmanova L, Bergius M, Robertson A, Sabel N, Hafström C, Klingberg G, Berggren U. Everyday- and dental- pain experiences in healthy Swedish 8-19 year olds: an epidemiological study. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2009 Nov;19(6):438-447. Read abstract


Hallberg U, Klingberg G, Reichenberg K, Möller A. Living at the edge of one´s capability: experiences of parents of teenage daughters diagnosed with ADHD. Int J Qual Stud Health Well-being 2008;3:51-58. Read abstract

Klingberg G. Dental anxiety and behaviour management problems in paediatric dentistry – a review of the prevalence, measurement and aetiology. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent 2008; 9(suppl 1):11-15. Read abstract

Sabel N, Johansson C, Kühnisch J, Robertson A, Steiniger F, Norén JG, Klingberg G, Nietzsche S. Neonatal lines in the enamel of primary teeth - a morphological and scanning electron microscopic investigation. Arch Oral Biol 2008;53:954-963. Read abstract 

Ekfeldt A,Carlsson GE. Dental status and oral function in an adult group of subjects with thalidomide embryopathy – a clinical and questionnaire study. Acta Odont Scand 2008;66:300–306. Read abstract

Sjögreen L, Engvall M, Kiliaridis S, Tulinius M, Lohmander A. The development of orofacial functions in young individuals with myotonic dystrophy type 1: a retrospective study.  J of Medical Speech Lang Pathol 2008;18: 33–41. Read article

Bergius M, Broberg AG, Hakeberg M, Berggren U. Prediction of prolonged pain experiences during orthodontic treatment. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2008 Mar;133(3):339.e1-8. PMID: 18331926. Read abstract


Hallberg U, Klingberg G. Giving low priority to oral health care. Voices from people with disabilities in a grounded theory study. Acta Odontol Scand 2007;65:265-270. Read abstract

Klingberg G, Broberg AG. Dental fear/anxiety and dental behaviour management problems in children and adolescents – a review of prevalence and concomitant psychological factors. Int J Paediatr Dent 2007;17:391-406. Read abstract

Klingberg G, Lingström P, Óskarsdóttir S, Friman V, Bohman E, CarlénA. Caries-related saliva properties in individuals with 22q11 deletion syndrome. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2007;103:497-504. Read abstract

Bakke M, Bergendal B, McAllister A, Sjögreen L, Åsten P. Development and evaluation of a comprehensive screening for orfacial function. Swed Dent J 2007; 31: 75–84. Read abstract

Engvall M, Sjögreen L, Kjellberg H, Robertsson A, Sundell S, Kiliaridis S. Oral health in children and adolescents with myotonic dystrophy. Eur J Oral Sci 2007; 115: 192–197. Read abstract 

Strömland K, Miller M, Sjögreen L, Johansson M, Ekman Joelsson B-M, Danielsson S, Billstedt E, Gillberg C, Jacobsson C, Andersson Norinder J, Granström G. Oculo-Auriculo-Vertebral Spectrum – Associated Anomalies, Functional Deficits and Possible Developmental Risk Factors. Am J Med Gen 2007;143A:1317–1325. Read abstract

Sjögreen L, Engvall M, Ekström AB, Lohmander A, Kiliaridis S, Tulinius M. Orofacial dysfunction in children and adolescents with myotonic dystrophy. Dev Med Child Neurol 2007 Jan;49(1):18-22. Read abstract 

Bergius M, Kiliaridis S, Marklund M. Ortodonti i relation till oral funktion. (Orthodontics in relation to oral function). Tandläkartidningen 2007; 99: 52-59. Read article 


Klingberg G, Dahllof G, Erlandsson AL, Grindefjord M, Hallstrom-Stalin U, Koch G, Lundin SA. A survey of specialist paediatric dental services in Sweden: results from 2003, and trends since 1983. Int J Paediatr Dent 2006;16:89-94. Read abstract


Berglund B, Nordstrom G, Hagberg C, Mattiasson AC. Foot pain and disability in individuals with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS): impact on daily life activities. Disabil Rehabil 2005;27:164-169. Read abstract

Ekfeldt A. Early experience with implant supported prosteses in patients with neurologic disability. Int J Prostodont 2005;18:132-138. Read abstract

Hallberg U, Klingberg G. Medical health care professionals' assessments of oral health needs in children with disabilities: a qualitative study. Eur J Oral Sci, 2005;113:363-368. Read abstract

Klingberg G, Dietz W, Óskarsdóttir S, Odelius H, Gelander L, Norén JG. Morphological appearance and chemical composition of enamel in primary teeth from patients with 22q11 deletion syndrome. Eur J Oral Sci 2005;113:303-311. Read abstract

Klingberg G, Dahllöf G, Erlandsson A-L, Grindefjord G, Hallström-Stalin U, Koch G, Lundin S-Å. A survey of specialist paediatric dental services in Sweden during 2003 and trends since 1983. Int J Paediatr Dent, 2005, in press. Read abstract

Krekmanova L, Bergius M, Berggren U. Barns och ungdomars smärtupplevelser vid tandvård. Tandläkartidningen 2005;97:52-58. Read article

Strömland K, Sjögreen L, Johansson M, Ekman Joelsson B-M, Miller M, Danielsson S, Billstedt E, Gillberg C, Jacobsson C, Andersson Norinder J, Granström G. CHARGE association in Sweden – malformations and functional deficits. Am J Med Genet A 2005;133:331-339. Read abstract


Ekfeldt A, Eriksson A, Johansson LA. Stability of the screw joints in patients with implant-supported fixed prostheses in edentulous jaws: a 1-year follow-up study. Int J Prosthodont. 2004;17:177-180. Read abstract

Hagberg C, Berglund B, Korpe L, Andersson-Norinder J. Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) focusing on oral symptoms: a questionnaire study. Orthod Craniofac Res. 2004;7:178-185. Read abstract

Hagberg C, Korpe L, Berglund B. Temporomandibular joint problems and self-registration of mandibular opening capacity among adults with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. A questionnaire study. Orthod Craniofac Res. 2004;7:40-46. Read abstract

Hallberg U, Strandmark M, Klingberg G. Dental health professionals’ treatment of children with disabilities – a qualitative study. Acta Odontol Scand 2004; 62:319-327. Read abstract

Klingberg G, Lundin S-Å, Dahllöf G, Erlandsson A-L, Grindefjord M, Hallström U, Koch G, Stecksén-Blicks C. Etik i barn – och ungdomstandvården. Tandläkartidningen 2004;96:58-62. Read abstract 


Ekfeldt A, Eriksson A, Johansson LA. Peri-implant mucosal level in patients treated with implant-supported fixed prostheses: a 1-year follow-up study. Int J Prosthodont 2003;16:529-532. Johansson LA. Read abstract

Ekfeldt A. Implant-supported fixed partial prostheses: a retrospective study. Int J Prosthodont 2003;16:172-176. Read abstract

Hagberg C. Self-registration of mandibular opening capacity and vertical overbite. A method study. J Orofac Pain 2003;17:341-346. Read abstract

Trulsson U, Klingberg G. Living with a child with a severe orofacial handicap: experiences from the perspectives of parents. Eur J Oral Sci 2003;111:19-25. Read abstract


Dietz W, Kraft U, Hoyer I, Klingberg G. Influence of cementum on the demineralization and remineralization processes of root surface caries in vitro. Acta Odontol Scand 2002;60:241-247. Read abstract

Jälevik B, Klingberg G. Dental treatment, dental fear and behaviour management problems in children with severe enamel hypomineralization of their permanent first molars. Int J Paediatr Dent 2002;12:24-32. Read abstract

Klingberg G, Óskarsdóttir S, Lövsund Johannesson E, Norén JG. Oral manifestations in the 22q11 deletion syndrome. Int J Paediatr Dent 2002;12:14-23. Read abstract

Klingberg G. Pharmacological approach to the management of dental anxiety in children - comments from a Scandinavian point of view. Int J Paediatr Dent 2002;12:357-358.

Strömland K, Sjögreen L, Miller M, Gillberg C, Wentz E, Johansson M, Nyhlén O, Danielsson A, Jacobsson C, Andersson J, Fernell E. Möbius sequence – a Swedish multidiscipline study. Eur J of Paediat Neurol 2002;6:35–45. Read abstract


Jälevik B, Klingberg G, Barregård L, Norén JG. The prevalence of demarcated opacities in permanent first molars in a group of Swedish children. Acta Odontol Scand 2001;59:255-260. Read abstract

Jälevik B, Norén JG, Klingberg G, Barregård L. Etiologic factors influencing the prevalence of demarcated opacities in permanent first molars in a group of Swedish children. Eur J Oral Sci 2001;109:230-234. Read abstract

Sjögreen L, Andersson-Norinder J, Jacobsson C. Development of speech, feeding, eating, and facial expression in Möbius sequence. Int J of Pediat Otorhinolaryngol 2001;60:197–204. Read abstract

Updated: 2021-08-10 08:55